Give me 6 weeks and I will give you the


of Your


Hand up if this sounds like you...

  • You have restricted your diet down to a handful of foods that hurt you the least and yet you still fear eating for the pain which accompanies it? You would love to be able to eat a tasty, nutritious diet.

  • You have been from healthcare professional to healthcare professional with no joy. You have had test after test but nothing is ever found. You have tried every elimination diet going with little to no relief. What is the answer?

  • You feel tired, lacking energy, depressed, hopeless, overwhelmed. You desperately want a way out of this nightmare.

  • Your social life suffers because you are afraid to have an episode while out with friends? However, you would love to be able to join in with the fun.

  • You have researched the internet for help and found conflicting information and don’t know which way to turn. It all takes so much energy. You wish it could be easier.

  • You think you lack the willpower to take on this diet with all its complications. Who has the time to dedicate to getting this right? If only it was simpler.

Would you love to...

  • live your life pain-free?
  • never think about a toilet again?
  • socialize without fear?
  • have boundless energy?
  • travel without limits?
  • be free of the symptoms of IBS?

Join my 1,000 plus clients from more than 40 countries to become one of my success stories through the Inspired Life Low Fodmap Coaching program.

Click Here to Fill in the Coaching Application Form

*Before I heard about the low FODMAP diet, I was battling with physical and emotional pain every day due to IBS. Meeting Suzanne and starting her program was the best decision I have ever made about my health. No doctor has ever been able to help me as much as she has. She is a diet coach, psychologist, friend, and life coach all in one. Suzanne gives you that tough love that you need to get through the diet regime, and it works wonders. I have my life back and it's all thanks to Suzanne!

*Cristina C - Montreal, Canada

What is the Inspired Life Coaching program?

The Inspired Life Low Fodmap Coaching Program is the first training of its kind - a six-week, one-on-one program via the internet and phone calls to eliminate your IBS symptoms through the low Fodmap diet and lifestyle changes so you can live a normal, joyful life.

I suffered from IBS for more than 2 years and kept looking for a solution as I always felt so bloated and was trying to lose weight at the same time. I tried different kind of diets, like Keto, Fasting, soup detox etc, but they just did not really work for me.  But luckily, I found Suzanne. During the 6 week program, I learned more about IBS and the most important thing is that I now know what foods trigger my symptoms and the reasons why they make me bloated. After this programme, I feel less bloated and know exactly how to avoid getting IBS symptoms. This program has been my IBS solution - it has helped me to build a healthy and suitable diet for myself.

Besides, Suzanne is just a wonderful coach. She is patient, knowledgeable and responsible. No matter how many questions I had, she answered and explained them point by point. I was always excited to talk with her every week. I feel thankful and grateful to have met her on my IBS journey. THANK YOU ! SUZANNE !!!

Joemary Leung - Hong Kong

The Low Fodmap Diet

The low Fodmap diet is complex. It is not simply a list of good and bad foods. It is a diet of combinations and amounts, when you eat and how you eat. Beyond the low Fodmap diet, you also have to look at other gut irritants like fibre and fat. But even then, food is just one of the puzzle pieces of solving your IBS problems but it is the foundation block upon which all else is built. However, the other puzzle pieces are important too and must be addressed.

Testing Proves Scientifically that 75% of those with IBS Can Be Dramatically Helped By The Low Fodmap Diet

Hi, I'm Suzanne

I am a certified nutritional therapist specializing in IBS and the low Fodmap diet (certified by the Monash University on the low Fodmap diet), qualified teacher, award-winning author and fulltime low Fodmap diet coach. My website, Strands of My Life features low Fodmap recipes, videos and articles on IBS and the diet. I have been featured on numerous podcasts, I have articles on several large health websites and have had many of my recipes published in hard copy magazines. I have suffered from IBS all my life and after having my life transformed by the low Fodmap diet I now dedicate my days to coaching others on how to eliminate their IBS symptoms once and for all. I am fortunate enough to see people’s lives revolutionized every day through my coaching work and I want to get this message and solution out to the whole world. It drives me crazy that there are so many who don’t know there is an answer to all this suffering. My greatest moments have been turning a 3-year-old Indian girl from a child curled up in the corner in pain to a happy child playing out in the yard with her friends, and helping an 83-year-old woman, who had suffered horribly all her life, discover that there is peace on earth after all. I would love you to become another of my success stories.


How Will This Program Change Your Life?

  • You will have no more IBS symptoms and live a pain-free, normal life.

  • You will be fully present for your family and friends so they can enjoy a new healthy you.

  • You will have a joyful social life and join in all the fun again.

  • You will travel without worrying about the location of toilets so you can enjoy the experience and sights around you.

  • Your work life will run smoothly and you will participate in all events, professional and social.

  • You will cook one meal for your family which will save you time and effort.

  • Your lifestyle will be well balanced to support your IBS so that you can live a worry-free, inspired life.

  • You will no longer have any psychological barriers that hinder you from leading a life you love.

Fill in the application form to receive a complimentary phone call to discuss your IBS issues and whether you would be a good fit for the program.

Click Here to Fill in the Coaching Application Form

*Suzanne helped me through every step of the diet with endless support.  For the first time in my life I am not in pain after every meal and I feel more energized and healthy than ever before!

*Kellie R - New Jersey, USA

How it Works...

  • In order to teach you exactly how to make up your own perfectly balanced low Fodmap meal plans, for the full 6 weeks, I will create customized meal plans for you that will include the elimination and reintroduction stages of the diet so that, by the end of the 6 weeks, you will have a final diet that keeps you symptom-free and suits your individual digestive system. These meal plans are made especially for you as an individual and take into account your likes and dislikes and any particular eating regime you may follow like vegetarianism. They also take into account whether you need a special diet for something else too, like reflux or gall bladder troubles or diabetes.
  • But the actual diet and the training is just one part of the program. When you have IBS, you have to live as healthily and stress-free as possible and this is a big part of the program. If you don’t get enough sleep, or exercise or allow stress to get on top of you, then you will experience symptoms even if you are eating the perfect diet. There are 6 different strategies that we explore and implement so you can live a more balanced and purposeful life. Each week we focus on one area of this balanced lifestyle and make sure it is in place before we move onto the next area.
  • In order to empower you with all the knowledge you need to integrate this diet into your everyday life – your family, work, eating out, travelling etc, there are weekly videos with a whole heap of tips to help you do this. These are an essential part of you reaching your dream of living a normal joyful life. You have access to these videos forever so that you can get a refresher whenever you need it.
  • You receive a weekly one-on-one 30-minute phone consultation from me. This gives us a chance to talk in depth about the week and the progress that has been made. But you also need support for when you have doubts and questions or just when you need support if it gets tough and we will be in contact on a daily basis when you send me your diary page and you can ask any questions you have at that time. This is a closely monitored one-on-one program and it is life-changing.

I have found the course wonderful, educational and enlightening, and a definite inspiration to continue on with the Low FODMAP way of eating, to manage my IBS.

*Yvette B - Australia

The Transformation

At the end of the six weeks, you will come away from this process pain-free with the knowledge to help you make good food choices and the strength to stay the course into the future, having overcome any mental blocks which stopped you before. You will also have a new plan and habits which will incorporate all the necessary elements for a balanced lifestyle.

Is This Right for You?

You might think that you can do this by yourself and you might manage it. It could take you 6 months or a year to gather all the pieces together like I have done over the last 7 years but this is a complex diet – the list of allowed foods is only one piece of the puzzle. There are many pieces that make up the complete transformation. I can do this for you in 6 weeks, not 6 months or 1 year. In fact, I can almost guarantee your pain will be gone in a week and by the end of the 6 weeks, you will have all the tools you need to continue into the future with a whole new life plan, including all the facets that keep IBS under control and that goes far beyond just the food. This program is not just about food. It’s about lifestyle – living a more relaxed, vibrant, balanced life.

Think about it – 6 weeks instead of months or years more of pain and embarrassment and of stress for you and your family as you all cope with your ill-health. If you’re in pain right now, this is the time to get help. Not tomorrow or next week or after you have bought the house or after the kids have left home. Right now. Let today be the last day you suffer from pain.

Want to Learn More?

Fill in the application form to receive a complimentary phone call to discuss your IBS issues and whether you would be a good fit for the program.

Click Here To Apply

The Bonus

And when you join this program, I’m going to send you the bonus gift of the first piece of the puzzle – a download of an up-to-date comprehensive list (all 7 pages) of all the foods on the “You Can Eat” list with the amounts.

*I quickly realized I wasn't alone. Suzanne was a fantastic resource and source of support for me during the process, cheering me on!  I recommend the program highly, so if you’re thinking about it, just do it!

*Rachel D - Texas, USA

Perhaps you want to know....

Why do I have to fill in an application form?

I like to have a phone consultation with anyone who is wanting to join the program so that we can have an in-depth discussion about your issues and whether the program is a good fit for you. My program covers diet and a balanced lifestyle - I am a nutritional therapist, not a doctor and don’t give medical advice. If I feel that your problem is more than IBS and that you need medical help, I will not accept you onto the program.

Do I have to pay for the phone consultation?

No. After filling in the application form, you will be directed to a page where you can schedule a call with me. I will call the phone number you enter at the scheduled time and we will have our discussion.

How do I pay for the program?

Once we have decided you are a good fit for the program, you can pay by credit card or PayPal or I can send you the details for a bank transfer if you prefer that method of payment.

Is there an installment plan?

Yes, you can pay in three installments if that suits your budget.

How soon can I start the program?

Once you are accepted into the program, you can start the next Monday. Meanwhile, I send you an accurate, up-to-date food chart with amounts to keep you going until the official launch date.

I am very picky about food. How can I know that I will like your meal plans?

Before you start, I send you a series of questions about your food likes, dislikes and known intolerances as well as various lifestyle questions. I then tailor-make your first week’s meal plans for you. I get these to you a few days before you start so you have time to look them over, ask me questions and do the necessary shopping.

I don’t like cooking and don’t have much time for it. Will these meal plans include complicated meals?

I appreciate that there are times when you want to cook and times when you have to make a quick meal. I include many tasty recipes for dinner to keep the food interesting but there is usually a very simple alternative if that’s what you prefer that day.

Will I have to cook a separate meal for the rest of my family?

No, these meal plans are designed to include dinners that the whole family can eat. They can have their high Fodmap foods at the other meals when a family often eats separately anyway and take less time to prepare.

What can this program do for me that I can’t do for myself?

You might think that you can do this by yourself and you might manage it, if you don’t give up first. It could take you six months or a year to gather all the pieces together like I have done over the last seven years but as I have said, this is a complex diet – the list of allowed foods is only one piece of the puzzle. There are many pieces that make up the complete transformation. I can do this for you in six weeks, not six months or one year or three years. In fact, I can almost guarantee your pain will be gone in a week.

One of my clients, Kelly Reidinger said after the program, “Suzanne's knowledge on how to incorporate this diet into your life is invaluable and I couldn't have done it without her.”

And Rachel who tried to go it alone said, “One of the GI doctors who diagnosed me with IBS suggested a low-FODMAP diet but he had no additional information on it -- he’d printed off the Internet!  I tried to follow it myself and research online but all I could manage by myself was hard boiled eggs and low-carb popcorn because these were the only things that seemed to keep my stomach calm.  This could not continue.  I dropped weight quickly and tons of energy and lived in fear of going out to eat.”

I can give you the solution in a minimum amount of time and I will give you only what works. You will be supported along the way by someone who cares and understands your experience.

Will I really get the kind of in-depth support I need on this program?

I can assure you that I am there for you 100% of my waking hours. We have a weekly phone consultation for up to 30 minutes, and you have daily email access to me so that you can get support and your questions answered straight away.

As you can see from my client, Betty’s comment here, “Suzanne is just an email away to divert any questions and offer support.”

And another client, Margaret Kneeland said, “Suzanne was very responsive to my questions throughout the program. ”

And Judy Kemp said, “I can't thank Suzanne enough for her time, patience and support.”

I have a busy life and not much time. How complicated will this program be?

My client, Sarah said, “Suzanne is incredibly knowledgeable, available, and friendly.  Her program is easy to follow in that it is highly organized. Suzanne's program is focused on helping the client as a whole person. Suzanne is a true coach.

And Margaret said, “Suzanne's program was very easy to follow and the recipes were delicious.  The cadence of the training was great to learn the various methods other than eating that were involved in controlling the IBS. “

Will I be able to do this by myself after the six weeks?

Yes, you will be able to do this by yourself, but I don't abandon you. At the end of the program, you will be invited to a private client Facebook group where you can continue to ask questions and get my support. However, most clients feel like they have all the tools they need to do this completely by themselves.

My client, Susanne said, “Now that I have gone through Suzanne's program, I am managing my symptoms, and I feel better than I have in years!! Thank you Suzanne! I praise God for sending her into my life!

And Betty said, “I have my health back and the tools to go on from here.”

And Ed said, “I have not had any major IBS symptoms in the four months since starting the Low Fodmap Diet to the time of writing this testimonial. I am a new man!”

And Kelly said, ”After 6 weeks, I feel like I have all the weapons I need to tackle my digestive problems for the rest of my life!”

How long does it take for the diet to work?

My client from above, Ed said, After day one of being on the program, I felt much better. I was amazed how quickly it worked.”

If you have IBS with diarrhoea, you will get this amazingly quick response to an accurate low Fodmap diet. Some take a little longer – usually those with constipation because their systems are slower and so the response time to the new diet is lower.

But even so, here is what Sylvia who has IBS with constipation said, “It's been a very enlightening experience, within a couple of weeks I became more regular than I can ever remember - life changing! I can now see my feet, no longer looking 5 months pregnant, no more belly-full of wind and to top it all lost a few pounds around my new found flatter stomach.”

What happens if I need more support after the program is finished?

By the end of the program, you will have a final individualized diet that suits your digestive system and you will know how to do it by yourself, but I like you to keep in touch so you will be invited to join a private Facebook group where you can continue to get support.

Below some of my clients have shared their stories to inspire you that the future can be bright

"Before I started this program, I experienced extreme abdominal pain on and off for 4 years. I have been to the ER, have seen all types of doctors and specialists to try to combat my symptoms as well as have tried many different treatment methods with no success. My pain was affecting my ability to work and live a happy, fulfilling life. Once I began the program, it took a couple weeks to eliminate the foods and behaviors that were triggering my symptoms but toward the 3rd to 4th week, I was finally understanding my body and pain in a whole new way. I was able to shed light on what was causing me to experience such intense symptoms for so long. The wonderful thing about Suzanne's program is that Suzanne takes a holistic approach to addressing IBS symptoms. In practicing the techniques that Suzanne provided, I was able to alleviate a lot of my pain and make it manageable to live with. After finishing the program, I have become better at reading and understanding the signals that my body gives me. Without being in tremendous pain, I am able to focus on other aspects of my life and have progressed substantially because of that. I am forever grateful to have found Suzanne and have gone through this program because with the new tool set I have acquired, I am able to live my life with much more ease, grace, and hope than ever before."

*Melanie S - Florida, U.S.A

“Let me just start by saying that my husband is a medical doctor, and he has already wholeheartedly recommended this program to his patients who struggle with IBS or have had a positive SIBO breath test. He recommends Suzanne's program based on the results he saw that it brought to me and the profound results It had where no one else was able to help. Both myself and my family have the deepest gratitude to Suzanne and her amazing skillset to set people on the journey to health and happiness!

Words cannot do justice to how this program has POSITIVELY influenced my life and my standard of living! Before I started the coaching program, I was miserable. I was on such a restricted diet, that I was eating about six foods. Most of them were white and lacked any real nutrients. It's crazy for me to look back and see how depleted my body was of nourishing foods and nutrients. Even with such a restricted diet (all "Low Fodmap"), I could not figure out how to control my symptoms.  It shocks me that I was in this state. I have always been very health conscious, physically active, and focused on health and nutrition. However, since I had my first flare up four years ago, having had no prior history of gastro issues, I had built a fear of food and the reaction my body would have to it.

When this all started four years ago, I went to a traditional doctor, then a naturopathic doctor. I took a breath test, and I was diagnosed with SIBO. Ever since the SIBO diagnosis four years ago, I had been on a rollercoaster of antibiotic treatments, negative SIBO tests (while still having symptoms)/ positive tests, herbal protocols, and a non-stop array of treatments for SIBO. I went to a traditional gastroenterologist and pursued with great diligence what I thought was the "Low Fodmap" diet. I felt so deprived, sad, confused, and out of touch with my body. When I finally could not tolerate going on another round of antibiotics or pursuing the myriad of other costly recommendations that simply didn't feel right, I reached out to Suzanne.

Within the first three days of starting the program I was in awe of how my energy levels had changed, and how much more vibrant I felt. I started to feel more in control and excited for each meal. I could not believe the things I was eating and tolerating (even in the most restrictive phase, it was a lot more variety than what I had been eating).

My weekly phone meetings with Suzanne provided the opportunity to ask the multitude of questions that I had, and what I would learn each week was invaluable. I felt supported, informed, and for the first time in a long time...hopeful. Even after being triggered by a food about five days into the program, and feeling defeated again, she taught me how to use this as helpful information, to figure out what I did and did not tolerate. I learned so much from that experience!

It is hard to consolidate into words the change in life and well-being I have had. My diet is now packed with healthy fruits, vegetables, and a very wide variety of foods. I know what some of my main triggers are, but most importantly through the program, I learned how many amazing things I can eat! I am more excited and not scared to go out to eat! I feel like when the time is right, I can travel. I feel like I can make plans, because I know what I can eat and feel good!

It is SO easy to get off course with what one thinks they can and can't tolerate, and to over restrict oneself. I learned there are so many pieces to everyone's puzzle and Suzanne is an expert about every single aspect of this whole picture. I could have never navigated all of this on my own.

If you have found this site, I would not hesitate to start this program! A million thank yous to Suzanne for sharing her incredible expertise, experience, and knowledge with me. I cannot believe how much I learned, and it has changed my life!

With Loads and Loads of Gratitude.”

*Heather - Hood River, Oregon, USA

"I've had IBS problems that I didn't understand for the past 5 or so years.  So I went to my naturopath who prescribed over $1000 worth of antibiotics and other drugs to cure the SIBO he thought I had.  How lucky was I to find your website, hire you, and talk with you.  You said, "almost none of my patients have SIBO.  Try this for a couple of weeks and we'll see if you need the drugs."  Well, I decided to try the whole 6 weeks; I haven't had an episode since then - all due to this very manageable diet and meal plan you gave me.  Most of all I want to acknowledge how you walked by my side, reassuring me and answering my endless questions with so much grace, humor, and patience. You answered every email promptly, despite being on different continents; our weekly phone calls (and your humor about how difficult I can be) gave me the confidence I needed to keep going. Your meal plans are super easy to follow.  However, I must say taking something like this on takes a real commitment - as you said, "so much has to be rewired."

You're a terrific coach and I am absolutely certain that I would not have been able to do this on my own.  I now understand my trigger foods, and what to do about them. And NO DRUGS!!!! Hurrah!"

*Monika – Bainbridge Island, USA

"Oh Suzanne, where do I start…for the last 20 plus years I have been struggling with IBS symptoms. I have tried every diet and healer (naturopath, Chinese medical etc) My doctor advised me to try the low Fodmap diet. I didn’t have a clue where to start and found you, thank goodness I did 😊 You helped me every step of the way and you were tough on me when I wanted to stray…LOL  I now know what my triggers are and how to move forward to a healthy pain free lifestyle. Thanks Suzanne!!"

*Dawn Forbes - Ontario Canada

"The program has helped me tremendously. Beforehand, I was plagued by bloating, stomach cramping, and embarrassing stomach noises. It was so bad I was afraid to socialize with others at times. Now I can go about my life like I never had IBS in the first place. It has really helped me get my life back under control."

*Garrett - Qatar

"I wanted to thank you for all your help; the day I found you is the day my life changed.

Before I started on the Low Fodmap diet, I was miserable.  For the last 50+ years I have had unexplained diarrhea, bloating, and pain.  My Doctors gave me every test in the book, which were all negative.  No Physician had an explanation.  All in my head, no it was real.

The diarrhea would appear most time with little warning.  I was afraid to go anywhere without medicine with me and a change of clothes - you get the picture.

I was talking with a nutritionist about my problem and she did some research and told me about the Low Fodmap diet for controlling IBS symptoms.  I did my own research, which led me to you.

You responded to my cry for help fast and so it started, a six-week special diet, which for me was not hard to follow as there was plenty of food to choose from and eat.  With your constant advice and encouragement I got better and began to gain a level of confidence that I haven’t had in years.

Thank you, Suzanne. You are my savior and I will always consider you my friend."

*Meredith Ramke - Covington, USA

"I suffered with IBS symptoms that were misdiagnosed as SIBO for 6 months before I found Suzanne.  On our first call, Suzanne asked all the right questions and from my answers, tailored a meal plan to get me out of pain and on my way to health. Over the next 4+ weeks, she eliminated foods that could trigger my IBS. This was the first time in over a half year that I felt I could actually regain and live a full life.  At the end of the elimination phase, we began putting foods back, one food one day at a time, to discover foods I was sensitive to.  I found that I could eat many foods, but was sensitive to Sorbitol and Mannitol which is in foods I used to eat regularly such as avocado and blackberries, etc.  Today, I awaken feeling good!  I look forward to eating low Fodmap foods that are right for my body and I have finally begun to put on a little weight!  If you are suffering from digestive problems, don’t walk, RUN to Suzanne’s website and make an appointment. It will change your life!!"

*Theresa – California

"Before I started working with Suzanne, my symptoms controlled my life. I went from being able to eat whatever I wanted to suddenly feeling awful every day for almost 2 years. Constant bloating, gas, bouts of diarrhea/constipation, unintended weight loss, and so much more made me fear the worst. I'd seen therapists and hypnotists, had blood tests, colonoscopies, endoscopies, breath tests, and got no answers. In just a few weeks of working with Suzanne, my symptoms had essentially disappeared. I thought for sure I would never make it through this program - I absolutely hated cooking and lived on processed food - but I was so pleasantly surprised at how quickly I adapted and at how much I've come to enjoy baking and trying new recipes. And all of this through an international pandemic! Suzanne was wonderful and supportive the entire time, and I'm absolutely certain that without her help and guidance, my symptoms would have been worse than ever during these current events. Thank you, Suzanne for all of your help!"

*Jenn B - Millbury, Massachusetts

"Before I met Suzanne I had been to 3 functional medicine doctors, 4 gastroenterologists, 3 nutritionists, 2 chiropractors, 2 Chinese medical doctors, 1 Japanese acupuncturist, 1 Chinese acupuncturist (yes, they are different) 3 pelvic floor therapists, 1 hypnotist, and 1 surgeon who performed a life-changing, painful rectal surgery that he promised would help my gut.  He was wrong.

At one point, I was spending $700.00 a month on supplements and had to work in order to pay for them.  I battled through 10 years of misery and depression.   My body was a size 4 and my stomach was a size 10. I took enough laxatives to sink a ship and then went racing to the bathroom in all out panic.   I couldn’t wear any clothes and spent as much time as possible in my pajamas. Travel was torture and so were social events.  Life felt like one big burden.

Finally, I found Suzanne. Suzanne gave me more answers, understanding and compassion in our introductory phone call than all previous practitioners combined. After only 3 days on the Low FODMAP diet, I felt like a normal person. Suzanne guided me through the 6 week program with authority, kindness and expertise.  She promptly answered every single one of my questions and our weekly phone calls were a tremendous support and learning experience.  Her recipes were delicious and easy to prepare.

Now, I am buying new clothes and feel great wearing them. I have more energy than I’ve had in 20 years and I no longer take laxatives. I don’t need to race to a bathroom and no longer fear traveling.

Suzanne gave me a tremendous gift…she gave me back my life and the desire to live it.  From the bottom of my tamed tummy…thank you Suzanne."

*Celeste – Illinois, USA

"I have suffered from IBS for 8 years. The symptoms were always present and limited many aspects of my life. I spent a lot of time and money on medical visits and on the purchase of products to help me solve the problem, but none was effective. By now desperate, I decided to look on the internet for someone who was an IBS expert - then I found Suzanne. I first bought her book "The low-fodmap 6-week plan & cookbook" and later the program "The Inspired Life Low Fodmap Coaching". Suzanne was very kind and always available to answer my questions during our daily e-mail conversations. After these six weeks, thanks to her advice, I learned the strategies to control my symptoms. I will always be grateful to Suzanne."

*Michela – Sardinia, Italy

"I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart for everything! You were so instrumental in helping me and so knowledgeable! I really enjoyed working with you and appreciated ALL your advice regarding IBS as well other issues I have been tackling simultaneously!"

*Chantal – New York, USA

"I had never heard of IBS nor had any symptoms until 2017, but it hit me like a ton of bricks! All of a sudden, eating became my mortal enemy. It seemed no matter what I tried to eliminate or add, nothing worked and I continued to feel miserable. I had so many medical tests and tried several medicines, both doctor prescribed and over the counter, but none of them helped at all. I was really concerned that I would live the rest of my life with these really uncomfortable symptoms.

In my endless search of internet sites I found conflicting information about IBS which only confused me more. When I finally started YOU-TUBING IBS, I came across Suzanne’s Strands of My Life. I watched every single video she had and by the end was convinced and contacted her immediately.  The six weeks I have worked with her on my diet and lifestyle have been wonderful. Things got better within a few weeks and my symptoms became much more manageable. They continued to improve and now I feel pretty free of all my IBS symptoms. I know I am going to have to watch what I eat for the rest of my days, but it is a small price to pay for my improved health. Suzanne is well informed, very compassionate and encouraging. I will be forever in her debt. THANKS SUZANNE!"

*John – Seattle, USA

"Back on Jan 2nd, I was officially classified as obese with BMI of 36.8. My abdomen, digestive system and bowel movements were in complete disarray and many times even painful and interfering with my normal daily life.   So I began exercising and made a TRUE commitment to myself to fix this mess once and for all. Then I sought out advise from you to help with my nutrition and abdominal pains and you introduced me to the Low FODMAP diet.

As I moved through your program (in addition to noticing how GREAT I was starting to feel on the inside - after just the first week in), I also started to notice that my body was actually starting to "respond predictably" to what I was doing with sleep, exercise and diet.    In the past (before you), NOTHING seemed to act predictably;  abdominal pains vs no pain, gas pressure vs relief,  Type 1 vs Type 4 vs Type 7 bowel movements,  waiting for bowel movement vs rapid urgency and the randomness of which one of these conditions would present itself that day because things were all just unexpected and "unexplained" chaos. THEN YOU EXPLAINED IT. AND ACTUALLY FIXED IT !!    Wow.

So, I must sincerely thank you because none of this would have been possible without the amazing knowledge and techniques that you have shared with me over these past 6 weeks. I am forever in your debt, Suzanne and it was an ultimate pleasure working with you.  Your experience / knowledge is superb.  And so is your personality, demeanor, sense of humor and communication style.   Somehow you make it seem like we have been friends for years and years.  I literally couldn't have asked for a better person / coach to partner with, nor a better overall result from what I gained/learned from your program.  The price of the program truly doesn't matter to me anymore because the service you provided for me, is PRICELESS in my opinion.  I have regained my health and literally feel the best in my life that I have ever felt (in the past 30 years since I was 20 yrs old maybe.  Sincerely).   That sounds like a BS sales pitch, but it is the most honest truth, so from the deepest depths of my heart, I thank you.

And my 2 athletic boys are actually IMPRESSED with their old Dad's Fitness / Diet and are now starting to copy my patterns of eating a couple of your Low FODMAP meal choices and cycling on their own for 1hr/day 4x/wk, so that's further 3rd party supporting proof of YOUR AWESOMENESS that even teenaged boys that you haven't even met are benefiting from your program ! Truly Incredible.

And all it took to finally light a fire under my bottom was a tiny-little-super-deadly-global-viral-pandemic like COVID-19. But with all of that good stuff, I am very sad that our program time has come to an end. I will still listen to your voice on your videos and use it as motivation to continue to improve.

I will miss you sincerely, Suzanne. In less than 6 weeks, from half way across the globe, you literally changed my life. Incredible. Thank you."

*Ken Cooney, Canada

"When I found Suzanne I had had diarrhea for a year.  I’d first been diagnosed with SIBO, and gone through two complete SIBO treatments over a period of four months, with no relief from the diarrhea.  After a colonoscopy I was then diagnosed with microscopic colitis, and went through five months of steroid treatments, again with no relief.  During this time I’d seen four different doctors, including one at a hospital GI clinic.  They either didn’t know what to do, or sent me in directions that were not helpful.

In desperation in the middle of one night at the end of 2019, I was online looking for answers and stumbled on Suzanne Perazzini’s Low Fodmap Diet coaching program.  I was desperate and after watching her video and reading the testimonials, I sensed she could be trusted, and went forward with her.

Long story short, I have just completed Suzanne’s 6-week Low Fodmap Diet program.  It was one of the best decisions of my life.  Not only was my diarrhea gone in just 4 days, but this program has taught me what a “healthy, balanced normal” looks like for me — and not only in diet (she gave me tools for life as far as food choices), but in other lifestyle areas as well.  This discovery has enabled me to reset my life to a healthy plumb line in a way I had not been able to achieve in 71 years.

It is in a sense a rigorous six weeks, but well worth it for the long haul.  Suzanne is professional, yet personable, and has all bases covered.  She set up the menu for me, and provided online report forms to send her every night, along with any questions I had, which she responded to daily.  I found her to be experienced, thorough, caring, and completely trustworthy.

To anyone who is suffering from GI issues and doesn’t know where else to turn, I highly recommend Suzanne Perazzini’s Low Fodmap Diet coaching program.  At the very least, fill out her online application and take advantage of the free 30-minute initial phone consultation, and then decide.  It isn’t just luck that she has helped over a thousand people in 37 countries all over the world.  She is a gem, and I thank God for her."

*Susan - Idaho, USA

"Before starting the program with Suzanne, I had been experiencing on and off IBS symptoms for 40 years!  I had tried various diets and medications.  Suzanne fine-tuned my low Fodmap diet and it led me to a path of discovering foods and amounts of foods that were triggers for my IBS and also acid reflux.
I now understand how to do food testing of additional foods that I might want to try to add back to my diet in the future.  My symptoms have improved and look forward to getting on with a more normal life.  Thank-you Suzanne for your informative and friendly guidance!"

*Phoebe - Caro, USA

"I contacted Suzanne because I was desperate. I was suffering with IBS and no medications were working. I believed I was following the low Fodmap diet, but I wasn’t doing it correctly. Suzanne is great. She showed me how to manage the diet, and worked closely with me. I have to say it was an adjustment, but now it’s second nature to eat low Fodmap. I speak up at restaurants and get what I need with no hassle. So, thank you, Suzanne."

*Sandy - New Jersey, USA

"My life before the program consisted of daily frustration and confusion about what the heck was going wrong with my body. I went from eating anything under the sun with no issues to turning 26 years old and beginning to notice major digestive malfunctions. Two years of not know what was going on and then I had the privilege of finding you! The program was difficult for me as I was not 100% ready to accept that I had IBS all the sudden; however, the program was ultimately life changing and it was just what I needed to take control over my life again. Seriously. You taught me discipline, responsibility, love for myself, and a healthy way to manage my IBS through the low FODMAP diet. Now I absolutely know that I can move forward with the diet and have success on my own. All thanks to your support, your wisdom, and most importantly- your passion to help those in need. Thank you Suzanne!! I am very excited for you to continue educating people and getting the word out there about the low FODMAP diet. Be blessed and continue to grow the low FODMAP community through your program."

*Ashley - Tennessee, USA

"My life before the program was a whirlwind of doctors appointments, test, blood tests, tears, missing multiple days of school, and staying home from activities because I didn't feel like going out. I have always been a relatively healthy and conscious eater (especially for a 16 year old my mom says) which made this even more frustrating. I was eating blackberries, bananas, onion, sweet potatoes, cauliflower etc., always piling on the fruits and veggies. However, to my dismay, I would always end up uncomfortable, bloated and sometimes in stomach pain due to these habits and I had no clue what was causing it. During the program I was able to figure out my triggers making my life significantly less complicated. I will admit it's tough and takes some mental strength to stay on track and during the program I definitely needed video talks and emails with Suzanne who kept me on the right path. She replied in a timely manner which made the experience that much more helpful. Looking back I realized the six weeks flew by even though the first two were definitely the most difficult. Currently I am a lot happier with my life. I can plan my food ahead and know that I can spend a day out with friends or take a road trip and not come home early in tears. I was also taking so many natural supplements but ever since this program I haven't taken any and my constipation is gone. This gives my mind some relief because it lessons my worrying and obsession about how I am going to feel throughout the day. I am so appreciative of Suzanne's support throughout her program. I highly recommend this for anyone who is struggling with stomach problems. It is worth it and has changed my life around to a complete 180."

*Jordan Faith - Maryland, USA

"My 16-year-old daughter spent two years with bloating and abdominal pain before we finally found Suzanne.  We spent those two years seeing pediatric GI doctors, gynecologists, physical therapists, acupuncturists, and nutritionists.  She had an endoscopy, a colonoscopy, breath tests, blood work and ultrasounds all before the age of 16.  She was on 2 capfuls of Miralax per day with cleanses every Saturday that would leave her drained.  We got her off the Miralax and onto more natural supplements but the bloating and pain persisted.  Everyone we met would say drink plenty of water and increase your fruits and vegetables.  Despite all of this my beautiful baby would cry in frustration and pain.  She would opt out of social activities because of the bloating and pain or the sheer fear of its onset.  She was becoming depressed.  This summer I have watched her come alive again.  I will be forever grateful to Suzanne for that.  We tried a low FODMAP diet on our own but it wasn’t until we worked with Suzanne that we finally found success.  We worked one on one with Suzanne.  She is knowledgeable, patient, understanding and available when we need her.  I am happy to say we have not spent any money on monthly appointment or expensive supplements since we started working with Suzanne.  That has been a wonderful blessing but the true blessing is that my daughter now has comfort and peace of mind."

*Kirsten Faith - Maryland, USA

"Before Suzanne’s program, (and for about 30 years) I existed on a very limited diet due to painful GI symptoms from IBS. My meals were sporadic and I had a very strong craving for sugar-laden foods. I had only recently heard a little about FODMAPS from a dietician who suggested that they may cause problems for me. However, she could not offer me any assistance. I discovered Suzanne’s program online and asked whether she could help me with FODMAPs while keeping my diet heart healthy, low oxalate (due to kidney stones), and pre-diabetes friendly.  She carefully considered my requirements and thoughtfully walked me through the elimination phase, testing, re-introduction phase,  guided me in meal planning, meal timing,  and portion sizes, and expanded my diet to include a greater variety of healthy foods, which I had been avoiding for years.  Because of Suzanne, I learned that by always eating enough protein and low FODMAP healthy carbs together in 3 meals and 2 snacks spaced throughout the day, I am satiated and no longer crave simple carbs. She also taught me a lot about living a more balanced life! Thank you very much!"

*Joni J - Florida, USA

"I have suffered from severe stomach pains and bloating for many years. I have endured MRI scans, a hysteroscopy and laparoscopy, hydrogen breath testing, gastroscopies and naturopath consultations to try and find the cause. Then a few years ago my doctor suggested that I may have IBS and recommended that I try a low FODMAP diet. I tried this but failed to stick to it and gave up. How fortunate I was to have recently found Suzanne and joined her Low FODMAP Diet. While the 6 week programme is no walk in the park, the difference from trying to do this on your own is having Suzanne’s support. Her daily meal plans and recipes took away the guess-work and helped me understand how crucial it was to eat the right quantities and combinations of different food groups. And the daily diary kept me on track. Together we identified a number of foods that cause problems for me and the amazing thing is this – all I have to do is avoid those foods and I am pain-free. Thank you so much Suzanne, you are a life-saver."

*Jan - Auckland, New Zealand

*"Suzanne is very knowledgeable and was personally invested in my success in following the FODMAP diet. She has a thoughtfully laid out program she has you follow and keeps you on track through regular check ins. These check ins are critically important for tweaking the diet to suit everyone's health idiosyncrasies. I've struggled with IBS for the better part of 8 years and have tried just about everything (e.g. coffee enemas, fasting, Paleo, over-the-counter pills, etc, etc). Since completing Suzanne's program I feel much more in control of my IBS and can more quickly recover when I get off track.  Highly recommend!"

*Jim - Massachusetts, USA

*"A few years ago I was in pain with gastric and IBS problems. It was a horrible period of my life and struggled mentally as well as physically. I tried many things like medication and food elimination to no avail. My GP suggested I go on line and find out about the Low Fodmap diet which I did and that led me to Suzanne. I enrolled in the 6 week Low Fodmap diet program with Suzanne and I'm so glad I did because It really has changed my life. Not only did I learn about food but also about myself and how to eat the right foods at the right time and I now lead a good life without medication and without the pain. With Suzanne's coaching and positive encouragement throughout, regular phone calls and communication I was able to deal with the strict diet.

I can say Thank you Suzanne so much for getting me to a lovely and healthy mindset. I know I could never have done it without you and you hold a special place in my heart now."

*Maria L. - Oxford, England

*"Working with Suzanne has been wonderful!  I have had gut issues my whole life, but they have gotten much worse in the past five years.  After too many doctor’s appointments and too many medications I stumbled upon Strands Of My Life. I decided to enrol in Suzanne's Low Fodmap Coaching program because I had nothing to lose.  Suzanne helped me establish healthy eating habits so I could stay one step ahead of my IBS.  Keeping careful notes of my daily record sheets, Suzanne was able to identify culprits of my bloating and pain symptoms.  The elimination phase is easy and hard; easy because you begin to feel better and hard because you are discovering trigger foods (foods you can no longer eat or cause discomfort).  Having Suzanne as a coach was necessary to the success of living with relief from IBS.  I have learned how much to eat when to eat, and what to eat and not eat.  I would not feel as well as I do today without Suzanne and her coaching program. I do not take any more medication; my moods have returned to normal, and so have my sleep patterns.
This program works and Suzanne was fantastic!" 

*Kirsten-Coralville, Iowa

*“For all you folks that are struggling with the symptoms of IBS, I have now completed the 6 week challenge with Suzanne and I am in a better place now with regards to food, sleep, me time and relaxation.  I signed up for the course having found my symptoms had taken over my life at the end of last year. My partner had cancer the year before and that just shook the earth beneath our feet.  I then had an attack of shingles and my bowel movements each morning were no more than liquid quite often...more often than anything else really.  I came across Suzanne’s web site searching for help, and was so glad I did.  Suzanne called me once a week throughout the 6 weeks and was always at the end of an email for anything I wasn't sure of.  I'm not a particularly confident person, but during our chats I discovered I actually did possess more strength and confidence than I gave myself credit for. So much so that as the weeks passed and I followed Suzanne's plan to the exact detail, which I would say is a must, Suzanne knows what she's talking about and you need to put that faith in her to guide you to better health through eliminating your pain,  so as I began to feel in more control of my food and my daily visits to the bathroom were no longer something I dreaded, I actually went out and found myself a job,  I hadn't worked for over a year following my partner’s cancer diagnosis,  who is by the way doing well and back at work.  I would fully endorse Suzanne's personal 1 to 1 coaching programme. It is the starting block I certainly needed and with my full participation has gotten me to a place I would never have contemplated had I sat at home doing nothing. You have nothing to lose and so much to gain by getting your life back on track.....I now see a very big light at the end of my darkest tunnel.  Good luck to you all and Suzanne,  thank you so much for all your help and kind words of encouragement along my journey,  I would love to say I might travel to NZ someday and meet you in person, but flying isn't something I'm all that keen to conquer yet,  but who knows!!!!  Xx”

*Jane Ewing - Scotland

*"My life has dramatically changed since I started my personal coaching for IBS with Suzanne Perazzini (strands of my life).

My issues started in 2013. I went to the gastroenterologist and we started with a colonoscopy, endoscopy, blood work and breath test.  Of course, he couldn’t find anything. So, I was diagnosed with IBS.  Then they want to give you prescriptions for drugs to help you but I would rather cure it without medication. At this point I was obsessed with knowing where all the bathrooms were on my routes if I had to leave the house.  Extreme pain in my stomach, intestines.  I no longer have a gall bladder.  After 2 years and still not knowing what to do, I went back to the doctor,  I sat in his office and cried telling him I couldn’t live my life like that……He then referred me to an integrative doctor, a more natural approach.

At that point, I was searching the internet and came upon Strands of My Life!  My whole life has changed. She walked me through what to do - not only food but also behavioral changes, emotions, stress, learning how to navigate the foods, recipes, daily menus. Everyday we would communicate.  I started November of 2015 and completed December 2015.  My life has turned around!  I don’t worry about leaving the house and feel confident in making correct choices.  Suzanne is a kind wonderful person. Our talks were not only about diet but also about what was going on in my life.  I would highly recommend Suzanne’s program – DON’T wait another day….we have only one life and we need to LIVE IT!"

*Debbie DiVello Tupek – California, USA

*"Before signing up for Suzanne’s coaching program, I was already on the low fodmap diet.  I was followed by a very good nutritionist, but as she had few cases on this diet, she did not have Suzanne’s expertise and although I had had some improvement, we had hit a wall. 

I was having episodes of severe cramping and diarrhea, which could keep me on the toilet for 2 hours at least once in a 2 week period, as well as 10 to 15 episodes of diarrhea in a 2 week period. That restricted my life a lot and when I did go somewhere, it was with the fear that a severe flare-up would suddenly come up on me.

I decided to take the coaching program so as to better understand this diet, which remained so daunting to me and in the hope of improving my quality of life and getting better control of my symptoms.

Suzanne’s coaching program was right on and helped me gain a better understanding of the low fodmap diet and a better knowledge of what I can eat and the right quantities. I loved the meal plans, which helped me get a better  sense of what daily meals should look like and some very good recipes which have given me more variety and ideas to continue planning meals on my own.

I can now add small quantities of certain foods I avoided, and my symptoms are much more under control and I have not had the severe episodes I was having before since I have started the program, and this is still good 2 weeks after I have finished the program. I have made 2 short trips (one 800 km and one 400 km) with very few symptoms (I had brought food for most of my meals), which I would not have risked before the program. The documentation was excellent, and I really liked the lifestyle approach and now have more balance in my life. I found Suzanne to be a very sensitive and knowledgeable person. The daily feedback by email was a great support as were the weekly phone calls.  I am so glad to have participated as the impact will last a lifetime.  Thank you so much Suzanne!"

*Denyse – Quebec, Canada

*"Life before the 6 week Strands of my Life IBS/Low Fodmap diet was all about knowing where all the bathrooms are around town, carrying gas relieving and gas avoiding medicine in my purse, embarrassing use of the bathroom when eating out or at relatives' or friends' homes, and guessing which foods were causing the problems. The Low Fodmap Diet is a challenge; everything I read about it suggested you need professional help to fully implement. Well, that is true, and I could not have done it without Suzanne! I now know what to eat and in what quantities, what not to eat, how to decipher labels and menus, and how to handle episodes that might still occur. Suzanne was with me every step of the way, and she helped me make lifestyle changes that are an integral part of this whole process. I promise that if you follow Suzanne's plan and advice, it will change your life...for the better!"

*Jana Gruber – Pennsylvania, USA

*“When I first heard the new word F.O.D.M.A.P. I was in my doctor’s surgery at a time when my life appeared to be falling apart around me.  The very worst thing about it was that my energy levels were so low that I could barely take care of myself.  In fact I wasn't. (taking care of myself)  I can recall many days when I simply didn’t have the energy or motivation to take the car out of the garage to go and buy myself food - which meant that my poor diet was simply exacerbating the whole problem.  I became aware that I must have been slipping into depression as my thought processes appeared to be different.

Fortunately, for me, I have never seen myself as a quitter and my doctor of at least twenty years knows this, so he told me of this way of eating which could well be very beneficial and  wrote the word (fodmap) on a piece of paper and told me that there are sites on the internet for me to explore this option.

I am one of those people who always thought that a pain in the gut was ‘normal’ and that you just have to live with it.  From a very early age I used laxatives on a very regular basis in an effort to lead a reasonably normal life.

When I first spoke to Suzanne she told me to stop taking the psyllium husks straight away.  I remember clearly that it was a Thursday and I had already taken them that morning.  On Friday, I woke thinking  “I feel different!”  So the change in well-being and energy was almost instantaneous.  The Saturday was a hard day as my system coped with the drastic change but after that I have never had any problem with my bowel movements.  I didn’t know that what I was doing was actually making my I.B.S. worse and irritating my bowel more rather than less.

The last six weeks have been a challenge - yet I knew that if I was to conquer this problem once and for all, I had to stick with it and give it my best shot.  The personal support  which Suzanne gave me helped tremendously get through each week.  I kept a notepad close by to write down anything I could ask her during our weekly phone calls.

I can now quite honestly say that my I.B.S. no longer dominates my life and I have more energy than I’ve had for years.  I can even manage to eat out or at the homes of friends and family with confidence as well as no nasty side effects.

I am 75 in May and have lived in a Retirement Village for 12 years.  The Swimming Pool Complex here also includes a Gymnasium which I had never used until about three weeks ago.  As well as the Aquacise classes I attend, I use the Gym daily using my IPad for music to entertain me.  So it’s now just another commitment to each day which I enjoy.

For anyone with this condition, I can heartily recommend that you take this step, as I had done.

*Anne Clarke - New Zealand

*“My life with IBS was a daily struggle just to make it to the next day. Pain, medication, no answers and no hope that I would ever feel like a normal person again.... And then I met Suzanne online, purely by chance. It was one of the best things that could've happened. Here is someone who knows.... Someone like us that has been there and lived what we've lived. Someone who's done the research and has the plan to help get your life back.

I cannot stress enough how worth it this course has been and how much hope I now have that my future will be and can be kept pain free.”

*Dawn Carseldine – New Zealand

*"I have been on a food journey for 8 years. Being asthmatic and struggling with gluten and dairy was very challenging. Over the years I went gluten, dairy and preservative free. I followed the RPA elimination diet, then fed up diet, GAPS and PALEO. I had great improvement, however once I went onto GAPS and PALEO I began to experience terrible cramping and more food sensitivities. After much testing I was diagnosed as Coeliac with IBS. I tried the Fodmap diet with a registered Dietician, but after 2 weeks I had no improvement and was more confused and frustrated than ever! I was told what foods to avoid, but I was not told what quantities of food I could eat and I was making so many mistakes and not getting any better. It was by chance that I found Suzanne on the Internet and Strands of my life. I thought, as a last resort I would give it one last go. Well it proved to be the best decision I made. Suzanne was fantastic. She walked every step of the way with me. I could email at any time and ask as many questions as I liked. The best part for me was the weekly menu. It took immense pressure off me feeding a family with 2 children with allergies and a husband with a healthy appetite. Suzanne designed a menu to accommodate each person’s needs in my family, but the best part was, I only cooked one meal for the family. I refer back to my menus regularly and feel better than I have in years. I was even able to go to another country on holiday and Susanne navigated me through the whole way! Suzanne is a treasure, one I'm very grateful for! I would highly recommend anyone giving her a go - it will be a very well made choice and investment in your health and that of your family! Thank you Suzanne."

*Tania W - Australia

*“The "Inspired Life" Low FODMAP 6 week coaching program was just what I needed to turn my life around and get my IBS under control, instead of the IBS controlling me.  Suzanne's program was very easy to follow and the recipes were delicious.  The cadence of the training was great to learn the various methods other than eating that were involved in controlling the IBS.  I realized during the program that my highly stressful lifestyle was causing me to trigger my IBS.  I've learned through the relaxation and meditation to take more deep breaths throughout the day and listen to the relaxation session.  Suzanne was very responsive to my questions throughout the program.  I wish I had known what FODMAPs were many years ago to save myself years of pain and frustration! Thanks Suzanne!!”

*Margaret Kneeland - Missouri City, USA

*“My I.B.S. problem has bothered me for over 30 years and deteriorated to the extreme over the last year. I think I had become so addicted to all the foods that didn't like me.  I found it very hard to adopt the low fodmap food. The Low Fodmap diet founded by Dr Sue Shepherd was introduced to me by a local dietician.  I found this to be very difficult. I didn't have enough support at the introduction stage, no one to communicate with when I was faced with bad reactions.   This is when I found Suzanne online who was willing to help me.  By following her menus, taking note of the advice and lots of communication, I slowly gained some control over my gut problem. Stress was a major problem which I hadn't realized. The introduction of exercise, relaxation, changing my sleep pattern, eating smaller meals and enjoying slightly bigger morning and afternoon snacks, along with a focus on myself for the specific 6 week program has helped me immensely to regain everything that I.B.S. had taken away from me.  I can't thank Suzanne enough for her time, patience and support.”

*Judy Kemp - Western Australia

*"I’d experienced stomach problems my entire life, but I’d always attributed them to poor diet: too many carbs, constant grazing, sugary drinks, and lots of coffee to “keep me going.”  When I started eating Paleo years ago when doing CrossFit, I felt better and lost weight but I still wasn’t 100%.  I had a lot of trouble sleeping.  Then recently, my stomach went completely awry.  Bloating I was used to, but this was 4-months-pregnant-bloating and daily acute stomach pain.  After visits to two different gastroenterologists and a multitude of tests and procedures with negative results, no one had any answers.  However, one of the GI doctors who diagnosed me with IBS suggested a low-FODMAP diet but he had no additional information on it -- he’d printed off the Internet!  I tried to follow it myself and research online but all I could manage by myself was hard boiled eggs and low-carb popcorn because these were the only things that seemed to keep my stomach calm.  This could not continue.  I dropped weight quickly and tons of energy and lived in fear of going out to eat.  During my online research, I found Suzanne’s blog, “Strands of My Life,” and noticed that she had a food coaching program.  It was fantastic that she called me from New Zealand and that I was able to talk to her about my ongoing issues.  I quickly realized that I wasn’t alone!  After some convincing of my husband who realized how much I’d been struggling to find things to eat, I joined the program, and just the other day, he said that it was life-changing for me.  Calm belly, calm mind!   The program was amazing: the one-on-one calls, the group Q&As, and the daily meal plans all helped me to heal my gut and my stress over what to eat.  Not being used to cooking since my husband is the chef in the family, I was daunted at first by the recipes, but they were all so delicious, I resolved not to eat out of a package or bag anymore, even if that package is a gluten-free package!  Gluten-free foods can be highly processed too!  Fresh food made such a difference for my mind and body and I finally understood what my trigger foods are!  I’m no longer eating “blind” when I go out to restaurant and I’m making informed choices.  Everyone in my family is on notice as well so when my husband cooks, he goes the low-FODMAP route as well and my picky kids enjoy the food (once they’ve been convinced to try new things!  Suzanne is a fantastic resource and source of support for me during the process, cheering me on!  I recommend the program highly, so if you’re thinking about it, just do it!"

*Rachel D - Texas, USA

*"I have suffered from the symptoms of IBS for a number of years. The funny thing is you don’t realise the extent of your ‘suffering’ until you are feeling good and then you wonder why you didn’t do something much sooner! I have tried various diets in the past but my stomach seemed to react differently to food each time I ate, so I quickly became frustrated and gave up. Resigning myself to the fact that this would be something I’d just have to live with. Then I discovered the low FODMAP diet! I definitely recommend completing the six week program with Suzanne because you set yourself up to succeed with one-on-one guidance and advice on hand whenever you need it. At first, it was quite overwhelming starting a restrictive diet but I found the recipes I was given were really yummy and easy to prepare. This new lifestyle has been a huge learning curve for me and it still comes with its ups and downs as I discover what I can and can’t eat. But one thing I know for sure, is I’m feeling much happier and healthier than I used to and I think completing this program has been a great investment in my future."

*Natalie - New Zealand

*"Before finding Suzanne and her program I had suffered with chronic IBS and it's symptoms for over 4 years.  It was a daily struggle of going to the restroom/toilet 6 to 10 times each day within the AM hours.  Even when the "going" had stopped, I still had pain and cramping that would continue throughout the rest of the day and evening. I was reluctant to jump into the coaching program, but doctors had not been able to help me with the many medical tests and medications.  So, why not give it a try. It took me about 3 weeks into the program to see a real change in my bowels and symptoms.  Trips to the toilet were less than half, and the pain/cramps were little to nothing and almost eliminated.  I was able to find out what foods were my triggers and what I needed to avoid.  Suzanne's program has changed me for the better.  As we were nearing the end of the program my wife said, "You are a totally different person"!!  I guess that statement sums it up."

*Tom M - Indiana, USA

*"Before I heard about the low FODMAP diet, I was battling with physical and emotional pain every day due to IBS. Meeting Suzanne and starting her program was the best decision I have ever made about my health. No doctor has ever been able to help me as much as she has. She is a diet coach, psychologist, friend, and life coach all in one. Suzanne gives you that tough love that you need to get through the diet regime, and it works wonders. I have my life back and it's all thanks to Suzanne!"

*Cristina C - Montreal, Canada

*"I am totally happy with how I have felt. I have been walking the dog without fear! Being fearless about going out is such a great feeling, I have been walking with confidence. Over the years I have noticed my freedom slipping away and losing the ability to be out doors has been a great loss to me. The freedom to be mobile again without fear is a prayer answered and so is this diet. I'm putting my health first which is a rarity. I want to make the most of my time with you and learn this diet the best I can. I haven't felt this good in years!"

*Sue E - St Paul, USA

*"I would eat and feel uncomfortable. The IBS symptoms increased in regularity and I would get bad stomach cramps once a month. They were bad enough for me to lie in bed all day or be awake most of the night. I was desperate to do anything that would help. Suzanne’s meal plans were great because they told me exactly what I should eat for every meal. After day one of being on the program, I felt much better. I was amazed how quickly it worked. I have not had any major IBS symptoms in the four months since starting the Low Fodmaps Diet to the time of writing this Testimonial. I am a new man!"

*Ed - Dorchester, England

*"With the weekly menu plans, the many delicious recipes, the follow up with a daily dairy page, the encouragement, tips and advice in mails and weekly phone calls made it so much easier to follow the elimination diet. During these 6 weeks, I also fully realized that not only what you eat, but also stress management, relaxation and daily exercises are very important when one has to cope with IBS. And this approach makes the program quite unique. And last but not least, it was great to be symptom free at the end, so thank you Suzanne!"

*Jean - Belgium

*"Suzanne has helped me change my life! I have had IBS all my life. I remember when I was younger, people told me I just had a "nervous stomach". As I got older and my symptoms became worse, I was diagnosed with IBS. I have tried everything from fiber supplements to prescription medication. Nothing worked. It only masked the symptoms. Now that I have gone through Suzanne's program, I am managing my symptoms, and I feel better than I have in years!! Thank you Suzanne! I praise God for sending her into my life!"

*Susanne - Indiana, USA

*"I have my health back and the tools to go on from here. IBS was controlling my activities and leaving me unsure of having a normal life. At first, I was skeptical about getting positive results from a diet and very hesitant of my abilities to make these meals as I am not a cook. My husband does all the cooking. I didn't have to wait long as my symptoms lessoned after the first week. I have completed the six weeks sticking to the diet and learning to cook in the process. I also have other tools as part of the program including relaxation techniques, exercises and eating healthy snacks twice a day in addition to my regular 3 meals a day. This is an accomplished program. Well thought out, including many tasty recipes and beautifully illustrated. The end result is feeling incredible. Suzanne is just an email away to divert any questions and offer support. I highly recommend this program to anyone suffering from IBS."

*Betty, Minnesota, USA

*"When I started the low Fodmap diet I was at my wits end. I was sick and tired of being bloated, feeling full and constipated all of the time and very demoralised about the poor professional help - in short I had had enough. After having an enema I was determined not to have that feeling again, thankfully the low Fodmap diet was suggested. After some research dieticians in the UK seemed misinformed - thankfully Suzanne fit the bill. It's been a very enlightening experience, within a couple of weeks I became more regular than I can ever remember -life changing! I can now see my feet, no longer looking 5 months pregnant, no more belly full of wind and to top it all lost a few pounds around my new found flatter stomach. When I saw the initial menu I thought I'd never find the time to implement it, but that thought was short lived. The results of the combination of weekly menus, 1-on-1 guidance, weekly on-line tips and exercises changed my life. I have always been a health conscious person who believed I was quite aware of what fuel my body required - I was so wrong. Now I have a different tool kit that better suits the job, I've been able to repair and rebuild a very sick body, improve my mind set and family life. Saying I'm grateful is an understatement. A big THANK YOU, Suzanne for sorting me out – great."

*Sylvia Vincent - Bristol, England

*"The six week course was worth every penny!  When I started I had to keep a mental list of toilet locations in my head while driving. Now I have very few problems. The course is worth every penny! I am definitely miles ahead of where I was at the start. I would recommend this course to anyone!"

*Harvey - Massachusetts, USA

*"Before beginning Suzanne Perazzini's Low-FODMAP coaching program, I was terribly frustrated and felt lousy on a daily basis.  I had lost 12 pounds in the space of one month, was unable to eat much of anything without a serious disruption to my day.  My body was depleted of vital nutrients and I was struggling to get through a typical day due to lack of energy and confusion. Doctors had performed many tests, and, upon finding nothing out of the ordinary, told me that I had IBS and needed to learn to cope with it.  I was offered drugs and they helped to a point, but I knew that I didn't want to rely on them.  It was not until I did my own research and met Suzanne that I began to see any improvement in my health and happiness. Suzanne is incredibly knowledgeable, available, and friendly.  Her program is easy to follow in that it is highly organized.  Meal plans are delivered well in advance to allow for planning and shopping, and they are flexible when it’s needed.  Aside from this, Suzanne's program is focused on helping the client as a whole person and it addresses one's daily habits and lifestyle.  This is essential to dealing with IBS effectively and Suzanne provides helpful exercises and tips to integrate healthy habits into her clients' lives. Most of all, I was impressed with Suzanne's availability throughout the program.  The 18 hour time difference did not affect her response time, nor did the cultural differences (there are bound to be a few of these between the continents).  Suzanne is a true coach.  She tells you what you need to hear when you need to hear it, but she also feels like a friend by the end of the journey. Suzanne upholds her end of the deal as a wonderful Low-FODMAP coach, but be aware that as the client, you need to also be committed to the process.  I got frustrated along the way and my symptoms did not completely resolve, but I saw major improvement and I would not have traded this experience for anything.  Suzanne and her Low-FODMAP coaching program helped me with my IBS far more than any doctor.  I will forever be grateful for this journey."

*Sarah - Texas, USA

*“Thank you again so much for all your care, help and support.  I have found the course wonderful, educational and enlightening, and a definite inspiration to continue on with the Low FODMAP way of eating, to manage my IBS.  You have given me so many recipes and ideas to keep it interesting and well balanced.  And my tummy is very appreciative!

You’ve also given me the strength to be assertive about what I can eat and drink that agrees with my stomach, so your method of coaching and support is brilliant!”

*Yvette - Australia

*“The Inspired Life Low Fodmap Coaching program was the solution I have been looking for ever since I was diagnosed with Crohn's disease. After trying many fad diets that claim they cure digestive inflammation, starting another one was very daunting for me. Suzanne helped me through every step of the diet with endless support.  For the first time in my life I am not in pain after every meal and I feel more energized and healthy than ever before!  She taught me how to create balanced meal plans that fit my very busy lifestyle, provided me with some amazing recipes, and gave me tips for managing the stress that makes my digestive issues worse.

I used to be afraid to eat so many foods and she showed me that I can have a lot more foods than I ever imagined. After 6 weeks I feel like I have all the weapons I need to tackle my digestive problems for the rest of my life! Suzanne's knowledge on how to incorporate this diet into your life is invaluable and I couldn't have done it without her.” 

*Kellie Reidinger - New Jersey, Usa

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* The testimonials on this page are applicable to the individuals depicted. Results will vary and may not be representative of the experience of others. The testimonials are voluntarily provided and are not paid, nor were they provided with free products, services, or any benefits in exchange for said statements. The testimonials are representative of client experience but the exact experience will be unique and individual to each person.