Low Fodmap
Meal Plans
Is this you?
You have irritable bowel syndrome and need to be on the low FODMAP diet so you can eliminate your dodgy bowel movements, pain and bloating once and for all. But this diet is complex and confusing, and there is so much conflicting information out there so you have no idea where to start.

Who am I?

My name is Suzanne Perazzini. I am a certified nutritional therapist specializing in IBS and the low Fodmap diet (certified by the Monash University on the low Fodmap diet), qualified teacher, award-winning author and fulltime low Fodmap diet coach. I have created customized low Fodmap meal plans for thousands of clients.
Would you love to...?

Then I have a solution for you -
A Personalized Low FODMAP Meal Plan Package
This customized meal plan package is unique in that you only have to buy one package. Other meal plan services require you to pay every week for a new plan, which is not sustainable. So, I have created a unique meal plan package especially for you as an individual that is flexible enough for you to use over and over again and never have to buy another one. All the information you need to make this work is included in the package.
Here's what you receive

7-Day Meal Plan
You will receive flexible meal plans for seven days with five small meals a day that can be used over and over again

Optional Recipes
The meal plans include tasty recipes for those who are feeling creative, but there is always a simple alternative for those with time constraints

Daily Diary Pages
Diary pages where you can record what you eat and drink, so you can analyze what works for you

Weekly Shopping List
A comprehensive shopping list with tick-able boxes to make your shopping trips a smooth run

Low Fodmap Food Lists
Detailed, up-to-date, accurate low FODMAP food lists with the amounts so you never again make mistakes

6 Pages of Planning Notes
Detailed notes on how to use these meal plans and how to eat in a way that eliminates your IBS symptoms

Get Your Meal Plan Package Now!
You fill in a questionnaire about your food preferences, other health issues, allergies and lifestyle and I create a personalized, reusable 7-day meal plan especially for you, based on your answers. You receive your meal plans, shopping list, diary page, food lists and plan-to-succeed notes within a few days.

Can't eat nightshades, eggs, nuts, casein? I've got your back.

You haven't got time for much fuss? I'll keep it simple.

You have other health issues? I'll take them into account.

Suzanne's Qualifications

Nutritional Therapist
Monash University Low Fodmap Diet Course
Certified Teacher
Certified Massage Therapist
Bachelor of Arts degree with double major - Auckland University
Stanford University School of Medicine Food and Health Course
University of Boulder, Colorado Gut Microbiome course
Monash University Low Fodmap Diet Course
Certified Teacher
Certified Massage Therapist
Bachelor of Arts degree with double major - Auckland University
Stanford University School of Medicine Food and Health Course
University of Boulder, Colorado Gut Microbiome course

Get Your Meal Plan Package Now!

Any Questions?
What clients are saying...
*I knew which foods to avoid but had no idea of all the other factors involved like food amounts, food combinations, spacing of meals and personal triggers. The meal plans were a great template to work from and took out the worry of what to eat every day.
*Denise Coghill
*I had been pottering along on a very lenient low-FODMAP diet for around three years before I met Suzanne online. The meal plans provided by Suzanne were easy to follow and clearly laid out and provided a rest period for my poor digestive tract.
*Kiara Canavate-Blankendaal
*Ed - England*I would eat and feel uncomfortable. The IBS symptoms increased in regularity and they were bad enough for me to lie in bed all day or be awake most of the night. I was desperate to do anything that would help. Suzanne’s meal plans were great because they told me exactly what I should eat for every meal. After day one of being on the program, I felt much better. I was amazed how quickly it worked.
*Tania – Australia*The weekly menu took immense pressure off me feeding a family with two children with allergies and a husband with a healthy appetite. Suzanne designed a menu to accommodate each person’s needs in my family, but the best part was, I only cooked one meal for the family. I refer back to my menus regularly and feel better than I have in years.