The Video
Do you want to eliminate your irritable bowel symptoms before Christmas? My brand new 22-day “Combat Your IBS Symptoms” course will do that for you so that you can join in the celebrations with everyone else. Your bloating, pain from trapped gas and diarrhea and/or constipation will be gone in no time at all. For more information and to purchase the course, go to Meanwhile, you can watch my video about the course.
How can I get the help I need to sort my IBS?
Do you have IBS? If you do, then you understand the misery of bloating, and the pain of trapped gas, and the diarrhea and/or constipation. The restrictions that this imposes on you living a joyful fulfilled life are really immense.
Now, what if I told you that I could eliminate all those symptoms and transform your life with 22 simple lessons? Well, I can. My name is Suzanne Perazzini and for some time now I’ve been transforming people’s lives with Inspired Life Low FODMAP Coaching Program.
I have created a second course for all you “do-it-yourselfers” out there. You’re pretty sure that you can do this yourself as long as you have accurate information and the tools to do it. Well, that’s where I come in. I created the combat your IBS symptoms course especially for you. This course will help you decide if the low FODMAP diet is for you. It will guide you through the implementation of the low FODMAP diet. It will give you two weeks’ worth of perfectly balanced meal plans. It will teach you the elements of a balanced lifestyle that will support your IBS. It will supply you with helpful tips for integrating the low FODMAP diet into your everyday life. It will help you gain the willpower needed to stick to the diet. It will reveal the tricks of that little devil on your shoulder. And it will uncover the secrets of the perfect reintroduction stage of the diet.
By the end of this course, you should be pain free with the knowledge to help you make good food choices and the strength to stay the course into the future and overcome any mental blocks which have stopped you before. You will also have a new plan and habits which will incorporate all the necessary elements for a balanced life style. Today, the rest of your life starts and I know you want that to be different from the pain, and embarrassment, and discomfort of the years that have come before. One more day with pain is one day too many. Let’s move you to a place where you can start a new fulfilled life.
Now, when you do this course, you will also receive the following bonuses. You’ll receive my low FODMAP snacks cookbook. This is a cookbook with 92 pages, 33 recipes, and over 50 photographs. With this book, you’ll never have to worry about what to eat for a snack again. You’ll also receive diary pages. You’ll receive these throughout the program and they’re for each stage, so you can fill them in and keep a record of your progress from the beginning, when you have regular irritable bowel symptoms, to a life which is free from pain and distress.
You’ll also receive as a bonus a low FODMAP food chart. This is an accurate up-to-date chart of the allowed foods. It also has the quantities. That’ll stop you from having a relapse back into irritable bowel symptoms.
You know that you need to do this now. Because otherwise, you’ll never live a normal life or have all those experiences you dream of. You’ll never have the energy to give your family members the time that they deserve, and your life will become more and more restricted. Imagine, one day you look up and you’ve spent decades in pain, when you could have done something about it. How would you feel? I know how you’ll feel, because I’ve spent decades with all of those symptoms until I found the low FODMAP diet. So I urge you to do something about it now. It will transform your life, the same as it has transformed mine.
Why have I created this course? As I said before, I have had irritable bowel syndrome all my life. Then I discovered the low FODMAP diet a few years ago after an exhaustive Internet search. The improvement was rapid and miraculous and surprising. Magic really does happen. I now live pain-free and the sky’s the limit for the first time in my life. This is something that I want for all of you.
Since then, my blog has focused on irritable bowel syndrome and the low FODMAP diet. Every day, I get emails from people with terrible IBS symptoms, stories that you can’t even imagine from people who are suffering. Even though I answer all the e-mails, I couldn’t really give them the help I wanted to until I started the Inspired Life Coaching Program. Now, it is such a joy to watch my clients transform their lives through the use of this program. But with this one-on-one coaching approach, I could only reach certain people. So this course, the Combat your IBS Symptoms Course, is for the rest of you.
For those of you who purchase the course before Christmas, I’m going to give you a Christmas gift of my low FODMAP menus cookbook. That’s my first cookbook. Now, that cookbook has 40 recipes, 124 pages. It’s got 10 menus and over 90 pages. And it covers all sorts of different situations and scenarios in which you might want to prepare a special meal – whether it’s a picnic or guests at your own home or whatever.
If you’re at that place where you’re dreaming of being without your IBS symptoms for Christmas so that you can enjoy the celebrations with everybody else, then start the course today. There’s time before Christmas. It’s just 22 lessons over 22 days. And you will receive my cookbook immediately.
Now, if you want to read up more about the course and actually see the exact syllabus, then you can go to And you can purchase it there as well.
I’m looking forward to your success on this course and I wish you good luck. Thank you for watching this video and goodbye.

Cheese & Vegetable Flan
Every now and then, I love the idea of a meal that is only one item. Even though it might take as much time to prepare and cook, it feels like less work. This flan is a balanced meal in itself. The cheese is the protein, the pastry is the carbohydrate and the bell pepper and courgettes are the vegetables. This is a fun meal to make for a change from the classic meat and three vegetables that so many people still eat. There was not even a crumb left when we had finished.
- 1 Pastry recipe (see my video here for the recipe)
- 2 spring onions (green part only)
- 1 zucchini
- 1 yellow pepper
- 40z/113gms mature cheese
- A knob of fresh ginger
- 2 eggs
- 6oz/170gms lactose-free milk
- 2 tbsp of chopped parsley
- Salt & pepper
- Heat oven to 180°C/350°F.
- Make the pastry and press it out into a buttered or oiled flan or quiche pan.
- Cover with a sheet of baking paper and place baking beans or rice on the top. Bake for 10 minutes.
- Remove paper and beans and cook a further 5 minutes.
- Cut up all the vegetables.
- Fry them gently in a little butter for 5 minutes.
- Place the vegetables into the pastry shell and distribute them well.
- Grate the cheese on top.
- Beat together the milk and eggs and grate the ginger into the mixture.
- Season it and add the parsley.
- Pour over the top of the cheese.
- Bake for 30 minutes. If it starts to get too brown, cover it with tin foil.
- Garnish with parsley and a cut up tomato.
Love savoury tars like this, definitely a delicious recipe I need to make!
Thanks Thalia. I love them too and they are great for when you have guests over for lunch or even dinner. They always look impressive.
I love a one-pan meal too and it’s so good when you’re making something and know you don’t have to make anything else to go with it – it’s complete in itself. This flan looks lovely and like it has lots of flavour xx
I know – even if it might take just as long or longer, it feels quite freeing in a strange way.
Do you think this will freeze? Cooking fodmap for one is proving to be pretty difficult so I tend to only cook things which I can make batches and freeze them for later! Thanks!
where is the pastry recipefor the flan please??
Thanks for letting me know the link is not working. I have fixed it.