A Story of Recovery
I just have to tell you the story of one of my clients who has just completed the Inspired Life Low Fodmap Coaching Program. I will call her by her first name only, though I am sure she wouldn’t mind you knowing who she is.
Dawn, a young woman in her thirties, has a major gluten intolerance (Coeliac disease) but she knew that wasn’t the whole story because, even though she eliminated gluten from her diet, she still felt miserable and was often afraid of having an “episode”. She did test after test and went to doctor after doctor and three-years ago she got the diagnosis of irritable bowel syndrome. Then she ended up in the gastro unit at the local hospital in pain where a young doctor mentioned the magic words, “low Fodmap diet”. Dawn asked what it was and he said he didn’t know much about it except that he had heard it helped those with IBS. At this stage, Dawn was on twelve different medications. She went home and Googled low Fodmap diet and found my blog. She filled out the application form and started the program.
She followed the training and stuck to the meal plans religiously and within a short period of time, she was pain and symptom-free. She implemented all the various balanced life-style exercises surrounding sleep, relaxation, exercise etc. without question and the results were phenomenal. She started dropping her medications one by one and when she finished the program a couple of weeks ago, she was down to one.
Yesterday, I received an email from her to tell me that she had kicked the last one to the curb and was now medication free.
In less than two months, she has gone from being hospitalized in pain because of her IBS to being pain, medication and symptom-free. You would think it was miraculous but this is a miracle that can happen to most people with IBS if they would only make the investment in themselves and take action.
Here is Dawn’s testimonial for my Low Fodmap Coaching Program:
“My life with IBS was a daily struggle just to make it to the next day. Pain, medication, no answers and no hope that I would ever feel like a normal person again…. And then I met Suzanne online, purely by chance. It was one of the best things that could’ve happened. Here is someone who knows…. Someone like us that has been there and lived what we’ve lived. Someone who’s done the research and has the plan to help get your life back. I cannot stress enough how worth it this course has been and how much hope I now have that my future will be and can be kept pain free. “
– Dawn
If you too want to eliminate your IBS symptoms, fill out the application form HERE and I will give you a call to discuss your situation and to see if you are right for the program.
The Recipe
This is a simple recipe which is the perfect snack if you are ravenous. It will take away your hunger and satisfy a sweet tooth. Yet you will be getting a good dose of nutrients which are all important, especially when you are on a restricted diet. To make sure you don’t overdose on Fodmaps, use only 1/2 a banana which is not very ripe and no more than 6 medium strawberries. The maple syrup is not necessary at all for me but add it if you are used to sweeter food. You could use blueberries or raspberries instead of the strawberries but the banana is necessary if you want a bit of body in your smoothies.
- ½ banana
- 6 medium strawberries
- ¾ glass of milk (dairy or alternative)
- 1 tsp maple syrup (optional)
- Cut up the banana into a blender.
- Add the strawberries, maple syrup and milk.
- Blend using the smoothie function.
- Pour into a glass and serve with a little cream on top if you are feeling like indulging yourself.
Always nice when you can help someone identify a problem and solve it, isn’t it? Lovely smoothie — we have pretty good strawberries at the moment, so I’m always looking for a new way to use them.
It is a great feeling, John.
I am having to use frozen strawberries at the moment but they almost make it better because they act like ice without getting the watered down taste.
You must have been over the moon with that result and Dawn must feel like she has a new lease on life. I can see her now, sipping this strawberry banana smoothie and wondering where she’ll go tomorrow – worry free.
I love your comment. Yes, she will be eating something low Fodmap and planning her future. She is such a lovely lady and I am so pleased for her.
How wonderful to have helped her and given her a new lease on life. Your smoothie sounds delicious!
It is very special to help people like this. I know from experience that this diet changes your life.
You are doing so much to help people, Suzanne. I’m so glad Dawn found you on-line. How fantastic that she’s no longer requiring any medication – that’s the best news xx
I’m glad I found Dawn too. These women who join my program are amazing. They are so committed to change and, on the whole, they are fabulous people who have suffered for too long.